Itechprosolutions | Robotics



In the modern trend robotics seems to the best technologies that mainly deals with the plan, design, working and includes the applications of computer systems for their control and processing of information. Nowadays, robots are used in many industries for the production purpose. Everything and everywhere goes like automation and hence people show lots of interest in robotics and make use of it in units like food production, farming, automotive production etc.Several engineering projects in Pondicherry are showing more interest in the Robotics than any other electronic projects.

Recent research IEEE project papers 2022 mainly deals on these topics: Drone or Quadcopter, Line follower, Soccer Playing Robot, Smart cleaning robot, Pick and place robot, Obstacle Avoiding Robot, Gesture Control Robot. These robots are mainly dealt with engineering projects in Pondicherry for the purpose of practice.

Job opportunities in this field has drastically increased and increase in the demand of skilled engineers. Make some of the reasonable goal and we accompany you to achieve it. For the base robotic project, you can choose Arduino and Raspberry Pi, various tasks can be performed. When you start to think for a project, you may get many questions popped up, what are all the things required, how to start, where to buy kits and so many?The only answer to make complex into simple. Approach Itechpro solutions in Pondicherry with your rough ideas and we will make you things done by choosing the recent best IEEE papers on Robotics. We guide you for publishing papers and journals in the standard publications with the high impact sector value.