The main objective of human evolution has always been to look for ways to mold the nature to satisfy our needs. A key milestone in this regard is the invention of a machine - called the computer that can complete a task given to it in fraction of time taken by an average human. While that sounds great, the only drawback is that the decision must still be taken by a man who is bound by limitations of the human body. The run to reap the complete benefits has given rise to what is called the Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning is a part of AI, which deals with imparting knowledge to the computer through various related examples. Throughout the years, various machine learning algorithms have been developed each with their own merits and demerits. This paper is a consolidated effort to bring together different ML algorithms like linear regression, KNN (k- nearest neighbours) etc. This research paper discusses the most recent developments in these areas of study and tries to define the best applications for each of those based on previous researches.