Glaucoma Detection Using FUNDUS images of the eye

Glaucoma Detection Using FUNDUS images of the eye

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Glaucoma Detection Using FUNDUS images of the eye


A troublesome disease in which damages of the optic nerve of eye's is nothing but the glaucoma, which causes irretrievable loss of vision. Glaucoma is a disease where if treatment is get late, the person can blind. Normally glaucoma detects when there is an increase in the fluid in the front of eye. When that extra fluid is increased, the pressure in your eye is also getting increased. Accordingly, the size of the optic disc and optic cup is increased as a result diameter also increased. The ratio of the cup and disc diameter is called cup-to-disc ratio (CDR). Threshold type segmentation method is used in this system for localizing the optic disc and optic cup. Another edge detection and ellipse fitting algorithm are also used. The proposed system for optic disc and optic cup localization and CDR calculation is MATLAB GUI software.


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