Assessment of Histogram-Based Medical Image Contrast Enhancement Techniques; An Implementation

Assessment of Histogram-Based Medical Image Contrast Enhancement Techniques; An Implementation

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Assessment of Histogram-Based Medical Image Contrast Enhancement Techniques; An Implementation


Medical image contrast enhancement is an important issue playing a prominent role in the digital image processing applications in some areas such as Medical Imaging, Biometric Image Recognition, Satellite, and etc. Basically, image enhancement on the basis of Histogram Equalization fails to provide the better image contrast enhancement and brightness preservation which might cause loss inaccurate diagnostic information of medical images. Hence, in order to improve image quality in computer processing, it can modify the intensity of image pixels by image contrast enhancement. In this research, some important various image contrast enhancement methods such as HE, BBHE, DSIHE, GHE, CLAHE, QWAGC-FIL, are simulated based on retinal image. This practical study attempts to focus upon the comparative analysis of various image contrast enhancement techniques.


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